1、我公司2015年承接的沙特阿拉伯CITY CEMENT PLANT CEMENT Tyre Chip System自卸油冷式电磁蝴蝶视频app安卓下载(2套)项目,设备至今运行良好。
The project, which for CITY CEMENT PLANT CEMENT who comes from Saudi Arabia, we undertaken in 2015, the self-unloading oil cooling electromagnetism Separators(2 sets) for Tyre Chip System work well till today.
2、我公司2016年承接的土耳其KARABIGA 2×660MW电厂输煤系统电磁带式蝴蝶视频app安卓下载(9套)设备项目2016年完成供货,2017年 11 月调试完毕,2017年 12 月全面投产运行。
The project, which for KARABIGA 2x660MW power plant in Turkey, we undertaken in 2016, Coal Handling System electromagnetic belt de-ironing separators (9 sets) had been delivered in 2016, we finished debug in Nov.2017 and the devices started to work in Dec.2017.
我公司技术人员在土耳其KARABIGA 2×660MW电厂现场调试产品:
Our technicians debug products in the KARABIGA 2x660MW power plant in Turkey.
The project, which for Monywa Letpadaung Mine in Burma, we undertaken in 2017, the disc-type de-ironing separators (2 sets) had been delivered, debugged and the devices were operated in the same year.
The project, which for 2×330MWCFB coal-fired power plant in Pakistan, we undertaken in 2017, Belt type electromagnetic de-ironing separators (4 sets) and disc-type de-ironing separators (6 sets) had been delivered at the end of 2017, and our technicians will go there to debug the devices and provide after-sale services.